The Garden Story

Sitting Room 1

The Title of this MBTA Module is The Garden Story because we explore the original story of creation, which takes place in the Garden. You will learn some of what our Father’s original design and intention was for His entire creation and, most particularly, yourself as his child ~ created in our Father’s image. This deeper understanding of His design as taught through this Garden Story of creation gives insight into who you are created to be, your purpose and how you are created to see others and the world. This story has the power to cause a paradigm shift to live your life as your Creator intended ~ in the beginning . . .

These teachings are designed as a “Sitting Room” for you to sit with Abba and listen. See the truths from the Torah that are presented, often in visual form, with purpose, to allow understanding to come through deep contemplation and revelation. It takes time and repetition. While it may seem silly at times, this has been a tried method that works, if you have the patience and willing to push through, we KNOW that you will come out with deeper insight into who you are made to be. This is the same journey that we are on, we welcome you into the Garden Story and beyond!

Click on the image and sit with each one as long as you need, repeat when you need to refresh your memory. The goal to to transform your mind, and begin to change how you think and interact and see and discern what is happening with a Torah and Truth perspective!

The Title of this MBTA Module is The Garden Story because we explore the original story of creation, which takes place in the Garden. You will learn some of what our Father’s original design and intention was for His entire creation and, most particularly, yourself as his child ~ created in our Father’s image. This deeper understanding of His design as taught through this Garden Story of creation gives insight into who you are created to be, your purpose and how you are created to see others and the world. This story has the power to cause a paradigm shift to live your life as your Creator intended ~ in the beginning . . .

These teachings are designed as a “Sitting Room” for you to sit with Abba and listen. See the truths from the Torah that are presented, often in visual form, with purpose, to allow understanding to come through deep contemplation and revelation. It takes time and repetition. While it may seem silly at times, this has been a tried method that works, if you have the patience and willing to push through, we KNOW that you will come out with deeper insight into who you are made to be. This is the same journey that we are on, we welcome you into the Garden Story and beyond!

Click on the image and sit with each one as long as you need, repeat when you need to refresh your memory. The goal to to transform your mind, and begin to change how you think and interact and see and discern what is happening with a Torah and Truth perspective!

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